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The history of L'Escale...

L'Escale was founded 1987 and is an idyllic boathouse/storehouse in the harbor of Nauvo. The name L'Escale comes from the French language and mean stopover or place by the sea. The restaurant has had the same style since it was founded, arcipelago inspired with a touch of the French kitchen. The restaurant is known for it's good food and wide wine collection.


Here you can watch pictures from our restaurant.


It is difficult to convey the right atmosphere during the different seasons.

During a beautiful summer day there can be hundreds of boats situated near the terasses of L'Escale. During winter the fireplaces bring warmth and a relaxed mood indoors.

A picture can say more than a thousand words,


Most of the facilities can be converted from dining facilities to meeting facilities.

The restaurant is divided in to a second floor for parties and fine dining, and a bistro on the first floor. There is also the "Grill roof" where you can have informal events during summe rtime. The old steamboat Najaden is a after-sail-bar and pizzeria.


The distillery is temporary closed due to renovation.

 The arcipelago distillery produces snaps from the arcipelagos own fruits and root vegetables since 1996


In the wine cellar thera are treasures from the old world.

The restaurant has been importing wines from France since 1998.


The restaurateurs own original products are beeing used daily in the restaurant.

The pottery provides the restaurant with it's own  plates and deep dishes.


The restaurant has a beautiful herbgarden behind the "Grill roof".

In the herbgarden we grow for instance basil, rosemary, thyme, dill and parsley.

Furthermore we grow peas, beans, artichoke and of course flowers.

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